act to provide for the regulation of the sale of spirit-
uous and fermented liquor, or lager beer, in Cecil
county," be and the same are hereby repealed,
amended and re-enacted, to read as follows :
2. No license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors
No license to
or lager beer in Cecil county shall be granted to any
applicant who has complied with the preceding sec-
tion of this act, until said applicant, in addition to
the sum or sums of money now required, or which
may hereafter be required to be paid by the General
License Law of this State, shall also pay to said
Shall also pay
clerk a sum equal in amount to be paid by said clerk
to the Board of County Commissioners of said
county, for the use of said county ; provided, that
the additional amount to be paid to the county for
any license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors or
lager beer, in quantities not less than a pint, shall
Shall not be
not be less than the sum of thirty dollars for any one
year, and pro rata for any portion of a year allowed by
State License Law ; and provided further, that noth-
ing contained in this section, requiring the payment
to said clerk, for the use of said county, of a sum
equal in amount to the sum paid under the General
Shall be con-
License Law of this State, shall be construed to ap-
ply to license for ordinaries.
5. All sums received by said clerk for the use of
said county, shall be accounted for and paid over to
Shall be ac-
the County Commissioners of said county on the
counted for.
first of January, April, July and October of each
year, and the said clerk shall be liable for all said
Be liable for
sums on his official bond, and shall in addition to
fees now allowed, be entitled to receive the sum of
one dollar for approving and filing bond and other
6. It shall not be lawful for any person having a
Not lawful.
license to sell spirituous or fermented liquors or
lager beer in Cecil county to permit any game of
chance or skill, for profit or amusement, except the
games of ten pins and billiards, to be played in the
To be played.
bar-room or other public room on the premises oc-
cupied by him or her, or under his or her control,
and if any person or persons having such license
shall violate this law, he or she shall upon convic-
tion, be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more