corporation, or endorse any bill, bond, promissory
note, or other evidence of indebtedness payable to
said corporation; and if any director or other officer
shall be convicted upon indictment, of directly or
indirectly violating this section, he shall be pun-
ished by fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of
the court; and upon this further consideration, that
this act and every part of it may be altered from
time to time, or repealed by the Legislature.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the continuance
of the said corporation be on this further condi-
tion, that the stockholders thereof shall, at a gen-
eral meeting called by the directors on at least
sixty days' notice, before the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and eighty, assent to and adopt
How ratified
this act by the vote of a majority of the stock
represented at such meeting in person or by proxy,
which assent and adoption shall be certified by a
majority of the directors, under the seal of the cor-
poration, be transmitted to the Clerk of the Court
of Appeals, and be by him recorded among the
records of his office.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the president
and directors, or a majority of the stockholders,
in general meeting assembled, of the Banking in-
stitution incorporated under this act, shall at any
time determine to close its banking operations,
thenceforth it shall not be lawful for such corpo-
How closed
ration to resume the exercise of its banking powers
and franchises, but the same shall be closed, and
after the payment of its debts and liabilities, the
remaining assets and property of the corporation
shall be divided among the stockholders or their
Approved March 27, 1878.