Per diem
attend the Circuit Court, and when they reside more
and mileage.
than five miles from Oakland they shall receive an
additional sum of twelve and one-half cents for each
mile over five miles, to be allowed only in one di-
rection and only once in each term.
43. The County Commissioners shall annually
levy such sum of money as they may deem sufficient
to pay the jurors of the county for the ensuing year,
to be paid over to the Clerk of the Circuit Court,
who shall annually account with said commissioners
Give bond
therefor, and shall give bond, with security to be
approved by said commissioners, for the faithful
disbursement thereof to the jurors aforesaid.
Any surplus.
44. Any surplus that may remain in the hands of
said clerk shall be a contingent fund for paying said
45. The County Commissioners shall allow said
tion of clerk.
clerk such compensation as they may deem reason-
able for aid services.
46. There shall be the following number of justices
Justices of
the peace and
of the peace and constables for Garrett county, viz :
For election district number one, two justices of the
peace and one constable ; for election district num-
ber two, two justices of the peace and one constable;
for election district number three, two justices of the
peace and one constable ; for election district num-
ber four, one justice of the peace and one constable ;
for election district number five, two justices of the
peace and one constable ; for election district num-
ber six, two justices of the peace and one constable;
for election district number seven, two justices of the
peace and two constables ; for election district num-
ber eight, two justices of the peace and one consta-
ble ; and for election district number nine, one jus-
tice of the peace and one constable.
47. Every constable in Garrett county shall re-
Fee and
ceive in addition to the fifty cents allowed by law
mileage for
for delivering to the sheriff any person on commit-
ment, six and a quarter cents per mile for every mile