he may have to travel in the performance of such
duty over four miles.
48. Every constable who may find it necessary to
summon any person to assist him in taking to jail
any person on commitment, shall summon a consta-
Shall sum-
ble, if one be convenient, and such constable or
other person summoned for that purpose, shall be
entitled to the fees and mileage aforesaid.
49. It shall not be lawful for any resident of Gar-
Not be lawful.
rett county to be sued before any justice of the peace
of said county out of the election district in which
the defendant resides. This provision, however,
Not effect
shall not effect any suit hereafter brought or now
any suit.
50. If any individual engaged in mining or man-
ufacturing in Garrett county, or any association or
body corporate, engaged in any business whatever
therein, shall for the space of thirty days be indebted
to the persons in their employ, or to furnishers of
any raw material, in the aggregate sum of twenty-
and Furnish-
five dollars, and shall neglect or refuse to pay the
same for the space of thirty days, the Circuit Court
for said county, as a court of equity or the judge
thereof in vacation, shall upon the petition of the
employees or furnishers of raw material, or any
number of them, appoint a receiver to take charge
Appoint a
of the afi'airs of such individual, association or body
corporate, with a view to their liquidation and settle-
ment under the authority of said court.
51. The defendant in said petition shall have a
right to answer the same and deny the facts therein
Bight to
stated, and the issue shall be tried by court immedi-
ately or as soon as practicable after the filing of
such answer, or if either party shall demand a jury
trial of the issues raised by said petition and an-
swer, then such issue shall be sent to the Circuit
Court for said county, as a court of law, and if the
same shall be then in session, shall stand for trial at
that term, and if not in session, then such issues
shall stand for trial at the next term, but no demur-
Stand for
rer or plea in abatement shall be allowed, nor shall
the same on any account be postponed, and if it shall