such damage shall be done, shall be liable for an
Liable to
action of damages for the injury to the full amount
of the actual damages, to be estimated by two disin-
terested persons, one chosen by each party, and to
be recovered before any justice of the peace of the
county, and if either party shall refuse to appoint
Refuse to
an appraiser of such damage for the space of five
appoint ap-
days from the injury done, any justice of the peace
may appoint in his stead.
38. No person shall take, catch or kill any
No person
speckled brook or river trout, or have any such trout
shall catch.
in his or her possession, except during the months
of April, May, June and July, under penalty of five
dollars for each trout so caught, taken, killed or had
in his possession, but this act shall not prevent any
Shall not
person or corporation from catching trout in any
manner or at any time in waters owned by them or
upon their premises to stock other waters.
39. Said fines shall be collected as provided by
Fines shall
be collected.
section seven of this article.
40. If any person shall cut down or cause or in-
Any person
duce any person to cut down any timber or tree of
cut down.
a size not less than those commonly used for hoop-
poles in Garrett county, with intent to appropriate
the same to his own use, every person so offending,
his aiders and abetters having knowledge of such
intent, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall
Guilty of
be sentenced as for feloniously stealing goods or chat-
tels to the value of the tree or trees which shall be
cut down as aforesaid, and of the injury thereby oc-
41. The jury law applicable to Allegany county
shall be in force in Garrett county, except that the
lists from which the juries shall be drawn shall con-
Jury law.
tain one hundred and fifty instead of two hundred
42. The jurors of Garrett county shall receive
each two dollars and fifty cents for each day they