14. They shall meet on first Monday in January,
first Monday in May, and the second Monday of
September in each year, and may call special meet-
ings when they, or a majority of them, may think
Classify busi-
15. They may classify the business of the court,
and designate the meetings at which the several
classes of business shall be disposed of.
16. Each commissioner shall receive two dollars
and fifty cents for each days session of the board,
Per diem and
and each commissioner living five miles or more from
Oakland, shall receive six and one-quarter cents per
mile each way, for going and returning from each
meeting, for all over five miles, but such mileage
shall not be allowed more than once each session.
17. The clerk to the County Commissioners shall
give bond to the State of Maryland, in the penalty
Clerk shall
give bond.
of one thousand dollars, approved by said commis-
sioners, conditioned for the faithful performance of
the duties of his office, which bond shall be recorded
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
said county.
18. The said clerk shall also before one of said
commissioners take and subscribe the following oath :
Clerk shall
I, —— , do swear that as clerk to the County Com-
take oath.
missioners of Garrett county, I will honestly and
faithfully, to the best of my skill and judgment, ex-
ecute the duties of said office without iear, affection,
prejudice or partiality, so help me God.
19. Said clerk shall be entitled to such compensa-
tion as shall be fixed by the commissioners, not ex-
ceeding four hundred dollars.
20. The commissioners for said county shall direct
the supervisors of roads to erect and keep up at the
expense of the county, at all public cross-roads and
where public roads fork, indexes or finger-boards
pointing to the nearest town, mill or other public
of roads
place to which said road leads, with the names of
the places and distances thereto legibly inscribed
thereon, and the expense thereof shall be levied as
other county charges.