companies of such State doing business in this State,
instead of those prescribed by the laws of this State.
Any deposit of money or securities required by this
Deposit of
section, shall be made with the Treasurer of this
money or se-
em ities.
State; and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to
assign and change or surrender any such securities
so held by him, upon the joint application of the In-
surance Commissioner and the company to which
they belong, and the Treasurer shall make no trans-
Make no
fer of such securities, except upon such joint appli-
cation of the Insurance Commissioner and the com-
pany by whom they have been deposited, and all
such transfers must be countersigned by the Insur-
ance Commissioner.
105. The Insurance Commissioner shall annually,
at the time of issuing a license to each insurance com-
pany doing business in this State, publish an abstract
of the annual statement required by this act, of each
insurance company doing business in this State once
Publish an
a week for three successive weeks, in a daily news-
paper published in the city of Baltimore, except that
in case of insurance companies of this State having
their principal office in one of the counties of this
State, the newspaper selected for such publication
must be published in the county where such com-
pany is located. The companies shall in addition
publish in another paper said abstract once a week
for three successive weeks, and the Insurance Com-
Three suc-
missioner and the company shall cause the first ap-
cessive weeks
pearance of the publication, hereby provided for, to
be made within thirty days after the annual state-
ment of the company has been received by him, and
the actual net cost of said publication by him, he is
hereby authorized to collect from each company
to collect.
whose statement is so published by him.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1878.