Petition in
Court of the county, as the case may be, a petition
name of State
in the name of the State, setting forth fully in de-
tail the alleged abuse, misuse or non-user, by reason
whereof the forfeiture is sought ; and upon the fil-
ing of such petition, the court in which it is filed.
or any judge thereof shall lay a rule requiring the
said company or corporation to show cause, within
such time as the said judge may deem proper, why
a decree of forfeiture should not be passed as prayed
Petition shall
in said petition, a copy of which rule, and the peti-
be served.
tion, shall be served on the president, manager, sec-
retary or some other officer of the said company or
corporation, by a day to be therein limited, not ex-
ceeding twenty days, as other processes against such
companies or corporations are directed to be served;
and further proceedings shall be "had in said cause
in conformity with the act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter four hun-
dred and seventy-one.
36. Any person or persons, or any company or as-
sociation, violating any of the provisions of this act,
provisions of
shall be subject to a fine of not less than one hun-
this act.
dred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars,
which fines shall be sued for in the name of the
State of Maryland, and collected as all other fines
as are imposed by the laws of this State are now col-
lectable; and any act or part of an act inconsistent
with the provisions of this act, be and the same are
No right
hereby repealed; provided, that no right of action
accrued or penalty incurred under any existing law
repealed by this act, shall be thereby waived or an-
nulled in any way, but the same may be enforced
under said acts in the same way as if the repealing
clause had not been passed ; and provided further,
Laws of any
that when by the laws of any other State, any de-
other State.
posit of money or securities are required, or taxes,
fines or penalties, or other obligations or prohibitions,
are imposed upon insurance companies incorporated
of organized under the laws of this State, and trans-
acting business in such other State, or upon the
agents of such insurance companies, greater than
those required or imposed by the laws of this State,
so long as such laws continue in force, the same taxes,
fines, penalties and deposits, obligations and prohibi-
tions shall be imposed upon all agents or insurance