elicit a full exhibit of its business and standing, all
of which statements herein required must be certified
by the signatures and oath of the President or Yice-
President of the company, with that of the Secre-
tary or Actuary. No company having neglected to
file a statement required of it within the time and
Shall tlo any
new business.
manner prescribed shall do any new business, after no-
tification by the Insurance Commissioner, while such
neglect continues ; and any company or association
neglecting for thirty days to make and transmit any
Shall forfeit.
statement required shall forfeit one hundred dollars
for each day's neglect, and any person or company
wilfully making a false statement in any report to
the Insurance Commissioner shall be liable to the
fines imposed by section thirty-six of this act.
Capital stock
34. The capital stock of no insurance company,
mutual insurance companies excepted, incorporated
by this State, or incorporated by the laws of any
other State or Nation, and doing business in this
State, whether Life, Fire, Marine or Inland Insur-
ance, shall be less than one-hundred thousand dol-
lars ; and every insurance company authorized to do
business in this state, must have, and continually
keep an am'nt
keep an amount equal to its entire re-insurance re-
serve, and all other debts and claims against it, ex-
clusive of capital stock invested in the bonds, coin
or treasury notes of the United States, or bonds or
stocks of this or any other State of the United States,
or of any county, incorporated city or other corpora-
tion of this or any other State having legal authori-
ty to issue the same, not only bearing but paying in-
terest, or it may be invested in real estate for their
office or business purpose only ; Provided, however,
Right to
that they shall have the right to purchase and hold
purchase and
real estate under a foreclosure of their own mort-
gages for a period of not more than five years ; and
for five years longer if in the judgment of the Insur-
ance Commissioner it is advisable so to do, or it may
be invested in ground rents, or loaned upon mort-
gages of unincumbered real estate, in this or any
other State of the United States, worth at least
double the amount loaned thereon exclusive of build-
ings, except where such buildings are insured against
fire, and the policies duly assigned as additional se-
curity, when the value of the buildings so insured ?