paper filed in the insurance department, the sum of
twenty cents per folio ; and for affixing the official
seal to such copy and certifying the same, one dol-
lar ; for valuing policies of life insurance companies,
thirty dollars per million of insurance, or any frac-
tional part thereof; for official examinations of com-
panies under this act, the actual expenses incurred ;
provided, that the filing of the papers with the In-
surance Commissioner, as required by this act, shall
In lieu of all
be in lieu of all papers now required by law to be
filed with the Comptroller and Clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city.
32. Any person, body politic or corporate who
Any person,
shall make, negotiate or solicit within this State any
contract of insurance, or shall affect an insurance or
insurances, or pretend to effect an insurance or insur-
ances, or receive and transmit any offer or offers of in-
surance or insurances, or receive or deliver a policy or
policies of insurance, or connect any other person or
persons with them in any policy they may at the time
hold, or advertise or circulate any card, circular,
notice, or open or keep any office for the transaction
of said business, except as insurance broker duly
licensed, without fully complying with all the pro-
Be subject to
visions of this act, shall be subject to the fines im-
posed by section thirty-six of this act.
33. Every insurance company, including individ-
uals, partnerships, joint stock associations and cor-
porations, conducting any branch of insurance busi-
ness in this State, must transmit to the Insurance
Every com-
Commissioner a statement of its condition and busi-
pany must
ness for the year ending on the preceding thirty-first
day of December, which statement shall be rendered
Shall be ren-
on the first day of January following or within
sixty days thereafter (except that foreign companies
may transmit their statement of business, other than
that done in the United States at any time prior to
the following first day of July), which statements
must be in the form and state the particulars re-
quired by the blanks prescribed by the Insurance
Commissioner; and he may require at any time
May require
statements from any company doing business within
this State, or from any of its officers or agents, on
such points as he may deem necessary and proper to