nerships or joint stock associations (except such com-
panies as may be chartered under the laws of this
State) in any manner whatever relating to insurance
risks until all the provisions of this act have been
complied with, and there has been granted by the
Certificate of
Insurance Commissioner a certificate of authority or
license, for which said company, individual, resi-
dent or-non-resident, or association or their agent
Shall pay.
shall pay into the State treasury the sum of two
hundred dollars, and shall also pay into said treasury
a tax of one and one-half per centum on the gross
premiums received, less the losses, dividends and an-
nuities paid in this State during the last license year for
said company, individual, resident or non-resident,
Report un-
partnership or association ; a report of which pre-
der oath.
miums, losses, dividends and annuities so collected
and paid for any such company must be made to the
Insurance Commissioner, under oath of the general
agent or chief accounting officer of such company ;
provided that all premiums loaned in this State for
a period not less than two years shall be exempt from
the payment of said tax of one and one-half per
cent., and from the retaliatory clause of this act.
Any company applying for admission into this State
shall pay for license in like proportion for the frac-
part of year.
tional part of a year, so that all licenses issued shall
expire on the thirty-first day of December next en-
suing. In addition to the above license and tax
there shall be paid by each company, individual,
resident or non-resident, or association, whether of
this State or otherwise doing business in this State,
Fees to be
the following fees to defray the expenses of executing
the provisions of this act : Upon filing the declara-
tion or certified copy of charter (which is only to
apply to companies hereafter admitted to do busi-
ness in this State), fifty dollars ; upon filing annual
statement, twenty-five dollars; for each certificate
of authority, which each agent of every company
not organized under the laws of this State is hereby
required to obtain, the sum of ten dollars ; Provided,
however, that sub-agents or solicitors who may be
appointed by the general agent of any life insurance
company in this State shall only be required to pay
for their certificates of authority the sum of two
dollars ; for each abstract of their annual statements
for publication, two dollars ; for every copy of any