Valuation of
surance company doing business in this State, or-
ganized by authority of this State, and of every other
ife Insurance Company doing business in this State,
that shall fail to furnish him, as hereinafter provided,
a certificate of the Insurance Commissioner of the
State by whose authority the company was organ-
ized, or of the State in which it may elect to have
its policies valued and its deposit made, in case the
company is chartered by the government of the
United States, or by any foreign Government, or by
any State not having an Insurance Department, giv-
ing the net value of all policies in force in the com-
pany on the thirty-first day of December of the pre-
ceding year, which calculation of the net value of
each policy shall be based upon the " American Ex-
perience Table of Mortality and four and one-half
table and 4 1/2
per cent, interest per annum ; and the net value of
per cent.
a policy at any time shall be taken to be the single
Net value
net premium which will at that time effect the in-
of policy.
surance, less the value at that time of the future net
premiums payable upon the policy, as determined
by the table of mortality and rate of interest desig-
nated above.
Valuation to
Third. The Insurance Commissioner shall accept
be accepted
the valuation made by the Insurance Commissioner
of the State, under whose authority a Life Insurance
Company is organized, or that of the State in which
it may elect to have its policies valued, when such
valuations have been properly made on sound and
recognized principles, and legal basis not less than
that prescribed above ; provided, that the company
Company to
shall furnish to the Insurance Commissioner of this
famish cer-
State, a certificate from the Insurance Commissioner
of such State, setting forth the value, calculated on
the data designated above, of all the policies in force
in the company on the previous thirty-first day of
December, and stating that said company is fully
authorized to do business in its own State; and
every Life Insurance Company doing business in
this State during the year for which the statement is
made, that fails promptly to furnish the certificate
Detailed list
aforesaid, shall be required to make a full detailed
of policies and
securities in
list of its policies and securities to the Insurance
certain cases.
Commissioner of this State, who shall thereupon
cause the same to be valued at the expense of said