Fourth. And it is hereby made the duty of the In-
surance Commissioner, after having ascertained the
amount of the net values of all the policies in force,
Asscts must
to see that the company has that amount in safe le-
equal amount
gal securities of the description and character here-
of liabilities
and reserve.
inafter provided for in this act, after all its other
debts and claims against it, including those resisted
by the company, but exclusive of capital stock, have
been provided for ; and in case it is found that any
Life Insurance Company doing business in thir, State,
If assets in-
has not on hand, after so deducting all debts and
claims against it, exclusive of capital stock, an
amount of assets of the character hereafter prescrib-
ed in this act, equal in value to the net present value
of all its policies in force, it shall be the duty of the
Insurance Commissioner to publish the fact that the
existing condition of the affairs of the company is
below the legal standard of solvency established by
to publish the
fact, suspend
this State, and he shall require the company at once
new business
to cease doing new business ; and he shall immedi-
and institute
ately institute such proceedings as are necessary to
protect the rights of all persons interested in said-
company, and it shall be his duty to see that no com-
Classes of in-
pany is permitted to insure lives in this State whose
suiance lim-
charter authorize it to do fire, marine, or inland in-
surance business.
Fifth. It shall be the duty of the Insurance Com-
missioner, after he has notified a Life Insurance
Company, organized under the authority of this
in caseof com-
panies organ-
State, to cease doing new business on account of its
ized under the
condition being below the legal standard of solvency
established by this State, at once to cause a rigid
laws of this
State whose
business is
examination in regard to all the affairs of such com-
pany. In case it shall appear that there is no fraud
or gross incompetency or recklessness in the man-
agement, he may, upon publishing the facts in the
may give and
case, permit such company to continue in charge of
renew per-
mission to
its business for one year ; provided there is, in his
opinion, reason to believe that the company may
eventually be able to re-establish its solvency accord-
ing to the legal standard. At the expiration of such
year he may renew the permission, in case, on ex-
amination, he is satisfied that the company is likely
to retrieve its condition ; but in case the Insurance
Commissioner does not permit the company to con-