urer and Comptroller, and the said Insurance Com-
missioner shall give bond to the State of Maryland
Shall give
in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, for the
faithful discharge of his duties; and no person who
And no per-
is a director, officer, or agent of or directly or indi-
rectly interested in any insurance company, except
as insured, shall be appointed as such Insurance Com-
missioner. And the said Insurance Commissioner
is authorized to appoint an Actuary for his said In-
surance Department, and also to employ such cleri-
to appoint
Clerical assis-
cal assistance as he may deem necessary to the
proper discharge of the duties and efficiency of his
department ; provided, however, that the salary and
pay of such Actuary and clerks shall be paid out of
Pay of actu-
ary and cl'ks.
the fees of said Insurance Department; and pro-
vided further, that he shall not exceed the sum of
Shall not ex-
five thousand dollars for the pay of such clerical as-
28. It shall be the duty of the Insurance Com-
missioner :
First. To see that all laws of this State relating to
Laws faithful-
insurance or insurance companies are faithfully exe-
ly executed.
cuted ; to keep on file in his office copies of the
Keep on file
charter, declaration of organization, or deed of set-
copies of
tlement of every insurance company, including part-
charter, &c.
nerships, joint stock associations and corporations
organized under the laws of this State, or organized
under the laws of some other State or Nation, and
applying to do business in this State, which copies
shall be duly certified in accordance with law by the
Shall be duly
Secretary of State or other proper officer of the
State or Nation wherein such companies are organ-
ized ; and the Insurance Commissioner shall, upon
Shall furn-
application of any such company or association, fur-
nish them with certified copies of their charter so
ish copies of
charter on ap-
filed in his department.
Second. To furnish in December of each year to
the companies required by this act to report to him,
To furnish
the necessary blank forms for the statement requir-
ed ; and as soon as practicable, in each year, he shall
cause to be calculated by the actuary of his depart-
ment, under his supervision, the net value, on the
thirty-first day of December of the previous year, of
all the policies in force on that day in each Life In-
Life Insur-
ance Compa-