gomery county, for the years eighteen hundred and
forty-three, and eighteen hundred and forty-four,
and eighteen hundred and forty-five, for four thou-
sand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and seven-
ty-three cents, with the interest thereon; claim
against Nelson Burns, collector of State taxes for
Montgomery county for the year eighteen hundred
and forty-six for eighty-two dollars and thirty-four
cents, with the interest thereon ; claim against Wil-
liam O. Chappell, collector of State taxes for Mont-
Collector of
gomery county, for the years eighteen hundred and
State taxes.
forty-seven and eighteen hundred and forty-eight,
for five thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dol-
lars and ninety-two cents, with the interest thereon;
claim against Silas Browning, late sheriff of Mont-
gomery county, for the years eighteen hundred and
fifty-six and eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, for
one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents,
for fines and forfeitures, with the interest thereon.
SEC. 2. And bo it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1878.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners
of Queen Anne's county to levy a sum of money
as a pension for Solomon Tate, of said county.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the County Commissioners
of Queen Anne's county be and they are hereby au-
thorized, in their discretion, to levy upon the assess-
able property of said county for the sum of thirty
dollars for the year of eighteen hundred and sev-
Authoi ized
to levy to pay
enty-eight, and the same amount for the year of
eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, as a pension for
Solomon Tate, of said county.
Approved March 20, 1878.