SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the cancelling of
the aforesaid shares of capital stock, as provided for
in the second section of this act, shall in no way
Shall in no
way effect the
whatever effect the rights, privileges, and restrictions
of said Bank of Commerce, under each and every
rights, &c.
existing law, but shall be in effect as though the said
shares of capital stock had never had an existence.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any and all acts,
Acts repealed
or part of act or acts, inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this act, be, and are hereby repealed.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
Shall take
effect from the date of its passage, provided, that the
stockholders of the said bank, shall at a general meet-
Meeting call-
ing, called by the board of directors, giving at least
six weeks notice in two, or more daily newspapers,
Six weeks'
printed in the city of Baltimore, assent to, and adopt
Vote of ma-
this act, by the vote of a majority of the stock rep-
resented at such meeting in person or by proxy,
Shall be cer-
which assent and adoption shall be certified, by a
majority of the directors under the seal of the bank,
be transmitted to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals,
and be by him recorded among the records of his
Approved March 20, 1878.
AN ACT to release certain claims of the State
against collectors, sheriffs and others ; to discon-
tinue the suits instituted for the recovery thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
Claims now
bly of Maryland, That the following claims due
from collectors and sheriffs, now standing on the
books of the Comptroller and Treasurer, be and the
same are hereby released, and all suits instituted for
Suits discon-
the recovery thereof be and the same are hereby di-
Collector of
Slate taxes.
rected to be discontinued, namely, claims against
Daniel H. Candler, collector of State taxes for Mont-