over the waters of Herring Creek, in the third elec-
tion district in said county, on the route of the road
Bridge over
Herring Cr'k.
proposed to be made to " Ocean City," across said
creek, and also to levy upon the taxable basis of said
To levy.
county a sum of money sufficient for the purpose and
for any damage that may be determined to be due to
Damage to
any person.
any person by the erection and maintenance of said
bridge ; provided that if the Commissioners aforesaid,
in their discretion, shall cause said bridge to be
erected, they shall make and keep up said bridge at
Keep up
least " four feet " above the water of said creek at
ordinary high tide ; and also provided that nothing
High tide.
in this act shall be construed to take away any right
of action for damages done real estate bordering on
Action for
the said creek by reason of the erection and mainte-
nance of said bridge ; but no person shall recover any
damage therefor unless action for the same shall be
Shall be in-
instituted within ninety days from the completion
of said bridge.
Approved March 20, 1878.
AN ACT to continue the corporate existence of the
Bank of Commerce, in the city of Baltimore, and
authorizing the cancelling by it, of two thousand
seven hundred shares in the capital stock thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the corporate existence of the
Bank of Commerce, in the city of Baltimore, be,
existence ex-
and is hereby extended to the first day of January,
in the year nineteen hundred and ten, and until the
end of the regular session of the General Assembly
next thereafter.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Bank of
Commerce be, and is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to cancel, annul, and make void, the two thou-
to cancel, an-
sand seven hundred shares of its capital stock which
nul, &c.
now represents a portion of its assets.