them received in a box by themselves, and upon the
close of the polls, the said judges shall forthwith
proceed to count the ballots so by them received and
ascertain the result of said election, and they shall
Notify the
five persons
immediately thereafter notify the five persons receiv-
ing a plurality of the votes of their election as Com-
missioners for said town, and within five days there-
Shall make
after the said judges of election shall make return
in writing, under their hands and seals, of the result
of said election, together with a certificate from the
justice of the peace before whom they qualified that
they did severally appear and qualify before him in
the manner herein directed, to the clerk of the " Cir-
cuit Court " of said county to be by him preserved ;
Tie vote.
and in case of a tie vote being cast for any two or
more persons at such election whereby there should
be a failure to elect five Commissioners, then said
judges of said election shall within three weeks, pro-
Hold a new
ceed to hold a new election for such number of Com-
missioners as may be necessary to constitute, with
those who shall have been elected, five in all ; said
election to be conducted at the same place and in the
same manner as the election herein before provided
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Commission-
Terms of of-
ers so elected shall hold office as follows : one for the
fice of Com-
term of five years, one for the term of four years,
one for the term of three years, one for the term of
two years, and the other for the term of one year
from day of said election, or until their successor
shall have been elected and qualified as hereinafter
provided for; said terms to be determined among
them by lot.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That on the first
Day of elec-
Thursday in May in each and every year after the
said year eighteen hundred and seventy eight, one
Commissioner for said town shall be elected by bal-
lot to hold office for the term of five years, and the
Commissioners for said town, or a majority of them,
shall be the judges of all elections held under the
provisions of this act, after the election of said five
Commissioners hereinbefore provided for, and their
shall be re-
proceedings as judges of said election shall be record-
ed under their direction ; provided, that every Com-
missioner, before he proceeds to act as judge of elec-