tion, shall make oath before a justice of the peace
Shall make
for said county, that he will faithfully and imparti-
ally permit every person to vote at such election
who shall be qualified to vote, and that he will not
Buffer any person to vote at such election who shall
Will not suf-
not, in his judgment, be qualified to vote under the
provisions of this act ; and the person receiving the
highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That no person shall
be eligible to the office of Commissioner for the said
town of New Market who shall not possess the
tionsfor Com-
qualifications of a voter, as provided in section three
of this act, and at the time of his election have at-
tained the age of twenty-four years.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That every person
elected as Commissioner for said town shall, before
he enters upon the duties of his office, make oath
Make oath
before some justice of the peace for said county that
he will diligently and faithfully, without favor, par-
tiality or prejudice, perform the duties of a Com-
Perform the
missioner for said town, and a certificate of such
qualification from such justice of the peace shall be
filed and recorded among the proceedings of said
Commissioners; provided if any person who shall
be elected as Commissioner for said town shall fail
Fail to qualify
to qualify, as herein directed, within fifteen days
after his election the office to which he was elected
shall be deemed vacant.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Commis-
sioners elected according to the provisions of this
act shall at their first meeting, after being duly
At their first
qualified according to the provisions of the preceding
section, and annually thereafter, choose some one of
their number president, to serve for one year or until
his successor is elected, whose duty it shall be to
Duty of Pres-
preside at all their meetings, preserve order and give
such directions as may be deemed necessary by the
said Commissioners to carry into effect the provi-
sions of this act, and in case of the absence of said
president at any of their meetings they may elect a
president pro tem, from their number, who shall
have and exercise all the powers and duties of such
pro tem.
president; during his absence the said president
shall, in virtue of his office, have and exercise within