twenty-one years and upwards, who shall have re-
sided within the limits of said town, as hereinbefore
described, for the period of six months, and within
the State for the period of one year next proceeding
any election hereinafter provided for, and who shall
or voters.
be citizens of the United States, and not disqualified
from voting under the provisions of the constitution
of this State, shall be qualified to vote at any elec-
tion hereinafter provided for, and for such number
of commissioners as it is hereinafter prescribed shall
be elected at any such election.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That on the first Thurs-
day in May next, (A. D., eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-eight,) there shall be an election, by ballot, held
Shall be an
at the office of Dr. J. W. Downey, in said town of
New Market, for five Commissioners to have the con-
trol of the municipal affairs of said town as herein-
after directed, at which election Dr. J. W. Downey,
John T. Lowe and Thomas W. Lease, of said town,
shall act as judges, and the five persons receiving a
plurality of votes shall be elected Commissioners for
said town; provided however, that the said persons
herein named as judges of said election shall give no-
tice of the time and place of holding said election,
Shall give no-
by publication in some newspaper printed in said
county, for at least two weeks prior to the said first
Thursday in May next, and shall, before acting as
judges of said election, severally qualify by making
and subscribing before some justice of the peace, of the
Shall qualify.
State of Maryland, in and for said county, an oath or
affidavit, that he will fairly, justly and without fear,
favor or affection conduct said election in accordance
with the provisions of this act, and make a true re-
Make true re-
port in writing under his hand and seal, of the re-
sults thereof to the Clerk of the "Circuit Court "
for said county ; and the said persons herein named
as judges of said election, or any two of them, after
having qualified as aforesaid, shall on the day and at
the place aforesaid, keep open the polls for the pur-
pose aforesaid, from the hour of one P. M. until the
Hours of vo-
hour of five P. M., and no longer, and during said
time they shall receive the ballots of all persons of-
fering to vote who shall be qualified as prescribed
in three of this act, and no others ; and the said
judges of said election shall deposit the ballots so by
Shall deposit.