On motion of Mr. Smith, of Dorchester, it was
Ordered, That when this House adjourns to-night
it stands adjournsd until 11 o'clock A. M. to-morrow,
at which hour it shall assemble daily until otherwise
On motion of Mr. Laird, it was
Ordered, That for the remainder of this session
speeches be limited to five minutes, unless the House
shall for special reasons order otherwise.
On motion of Mr. Orrick, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Monmonier be excused from
attending to-night's session.
On motion of Mr. Hill,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corpora-
tions to introduce a bill entitled an Act to amend the
charter of the Washington and Chesapeake Beach
Railway Company.
On motion of Mr. Hamilton,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corpora-
tions to introduce a bill entitled an Act to incorporate
the Towson Traction and Illuminating Company.
On motion of Mr. Leonard,
Leave was granted to the Talbot County Delegation
to introduce a bill entitled an Act to promote and en-
courage manufactories in the town of Easton, Talbot
county, in this State, by exempting them from county
and municipal taxation.
On motion of Mr. Sterling,
Leave was granted to the Somerset County Delega-
tion to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal sec-
tion 138, of Article 20, of the Public Local Laws of Som-
erset county, sub-title "Liquor and Intoxicating
Drinks," and re-enact in lieu thereof the following:
On motion of Mr. Brashears,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to appro-
priate (contingently) a sum of money for the purpose
of paying the expenses of experimental effort to prop-
agate and increase the oyster supply.