March 2, 1891, entitled an Act to credit and pay to
the several States and Territories and the District of
Columbia, all monies collected under the direct tax
levied by the Act of Congress, approved August 5th,
On motion of Mr. Brashears,
Leave was granted to the Anne Arundel Delegation to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to regulate the price
of illuminating gas in the city of Annapolis.
On motion of Mr. O'Conor,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to appro-
priate a sum of money to pay the claim of the Balti-
more Publishing Company, printers and publishers of
Baltimore city, for printing cards of instructions to
voters, for the use of the State.
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Washington,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judiciary
to introduce a bill granting the sanction of the Gen
eral Assembly of Maryland, to the gift and bequest in
the last will and codicil of Elizabeth V. Lane, late of
Washington county, deceased, to the Board of Home
and Foreign Missions of the General Syod of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States.
On motion of Mr. Michaels,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to appro-
priate the sum of one thousand five hundred forty-one
dollars and seventy-nine cents, out of the public
school funds, to re-imburse Garrett county for an in-
stalment of the State school tax withheld from said
county in the year 1891, and also to authorize and
direct the Comptroller t6 apportion to said county
the instalment known as the "March Instalment of
the State School Tax for the year 1892," said instal-
ment being the apportionment made to the several
counties, on the 15th day of Mareh in each year.
On motion of Mr. Wilson,
Leave was granted to the Garrett Delegation to in-
troduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act passed
at the January Session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
six, chapter 268, entitled an Act to authorize Geo. L.