On motion of Mr. Sams,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to enable the
University Club of Baltimore city to issue bonds for
the purchase and improvement of its club building.
Leave was granted to the Baltimore City Delega-
tion to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal and
re-enact with amendments sections 741, 742, 745, 746
and 747, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City
of Baltimore," sub-title "Police."
On motion of Mr. Field,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore City Delega-
tion to introduce a bill entitled an Act empowering
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to acquire
certain land in the city of Baltimore for the purpose
of extending Eutaw Square from Dolphin to Biddle
On motion of Mr. Joyce,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Militia to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to provide for the
enrollment of the Veteran Corps of the Fifth Mary-
land Regiment.
Mr. Wilkinson, from a Select Committee, reported
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
sections 56 and 57, of Article 24, of the Code of Pub-
lic Laws, title "Worcester County," sub-title "Birds
and Game."
Also, favorably, from a Select Committee,
House bill entitled an Act to prohibit the granting
of license for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors
in School District No. 5, Election District No. 9, of
Worcester county.
Mr. Griffith, from a Select Committee, reported fav-
House bill entitled an Act to add a new section to
Article 16, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Montgomery Connty," sub-title "Roads."
Which were severally read a first time.