Whereas, The contractors for the State printing
have, in some instances, had the binding of the Laws
of Maryland done outside the State; and,
Whereas, At the time the binding of these books is
usually done, the book-binders of the city of Balti-
more are idle, or not fully employed; and,
Whereas, The work can be done as cheaply and as
well in the State as elsewhere ; therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of District Assembly
41, Knights of Labor, that the binding of the Laws of
Maryland, the House and Senate Journals, and the
House and Senate Documents, should be done in the
State of Maryland ; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to send
a copy of these resolutions to the President of the
Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
and respectfully request them to do all in their power
to have the Laws of Maryland in Reference to printing
amended to conform to the spirit of these resolutions.
Master Workman, D. A. 41, K. of L.
Recording Secretary, D. A. 41, K. of L.
Hon, Murray Vandiver,
Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Which was read, and ordered to be spread on the
Mr. Leonard presented a petition from Hon. O. Ham-
mond, Jos. E. Robinson and 44 other citziens of Tal-
bot county, in favor of a law to prevent the sale of
cider to minors in said county.
Also, presented a petition from Dr Jas. S. Chap-
lain, Geo. M. Jenkins and 83 other citizens of Talbot
county, in favor of local option and against high
Also, presented a petition from Tamsely A. Reese
and 60 others of same county, in favor of same and
against high license.