bers-elect being present, the House was now ready,
under the provisions of the Constitution, to proceed
to business.
On motion of Hon. John M. Gallagher, of Baltimore
Hon. Robert C. Combs, of St. Mary's county, was
called to the chair for the purpose of temporary or-
Hon. John M. Gallagher, of Baltimore city, and Hon.
George L. Michaels, of Garrett county, conducted the
Speaker pro tem, to the chair.
Hon. James G. Berrett, of Carroll county, nominated
Hon. Murray Vandiver, of Harford county,for Speaker,
Hon. Daniel Young, of Allegany, nominated Hon.
James A. Buckey, of Allegany.
On motion of Hon. Theodore B. Fox, of Baltimore
city, nominations were closed.
Hon. J. Roger McSherry, of Frederick county, and
Hon. George Hosken, of Allegany county, were ap-
pointed tellers.
The House then proceeded to vote for Speaker.
Upon counting the ballots it was found that Hon.
Murray Vandiver had received 78 votes and Hon. Jas.
A. Buckey had received 6 votes.
Whereupon the Speaker pro tem, declared that the
Hon. Mun ay Vandiver had received a majority of all
the votes cast, and was therefore duly elected Speaker
of the House of Delegates.
The Speaker pro tem, appointed Hon. James G.
Berret, of Carroll county, and Hon. Daniel Young,
of Allegany county, to conduct the Speaker-elect to
the chair.
The Speaker thereupon delivered the following
I hardly know how to put in fitting words my grate-
ful appreciation of the honor which you have done me
in electing me with such unanimity to the high and
responsible position of Speaker of this House.