Somerset county. —James D. Anderson, Noah C.
Sterling, Benjamin K. Green.
Dorchester county,—Benjamin L. Smith, Alonzo L.
Miles, Joseph B. Meredith.
Cecil county.—C. Frank Kirk, Joseph T, Grove,
Prince George's county.—William J. Hill, William
D. Bowie, Wiiliam F. Perrie.
Queen Anne's county.—John F. Godwin, Olin
Bryan, Samuel A. Wallen.
Worcester county.—Lloyd Wilkinson, Jerome T.
Hayman, Thomas Y. Franklin,
Frederick county.—James Roger McSherry, Joseph,
W. Gaver, Manasses J. Grove, James S. Biggs, Richard
F. Sappington.
Harford county.—Samuel S. Bevard, Thomas B.
Hayward, John O. Stearns, Murray Vandiver.
Caroline county.—Purnell Johnson, Wm. H. Deen.
Baltimore city.—William H. Thompson, Edward D.
Fitzgerald, Harry A. Fuld, Michael E. Brennan, Theo-
dore B. Fox, George Walz, Wm. F. O'Conor, Charles
W. Field, Howard Gill, Charles II. Carter, Reginald
Bowie, John M. Gallagher, Martin C. Frincke, Martin
R. Joyce, Henry Sanders, Robert H. Cornthwaite.
Conway W. Sams, William Sanders Carr.
Washington county.—Robert J. Shafer, Edward
Garrett, Charles H. Smith, John P. Fockler.
Montgomery county.—Philip D. Laird, Howard
Griffith, William M. Canby.
Allegany county.—James A. Buckey, Alien Barber,
Daniel Young, Joseph B. Stottlemeyer, George Hos-
ken, Sr.
Carroll county.—Robert Sellman, Evan Haines, Ed-
ward W. Leeds, James G. Berret.
Howard county.—John S. Tracey. Louis P. Haslup,
Wicomico county.—James E. Ellegood, William S,
Moore, William L. Laws.
Garrett county.—George L. Michaels, Thomas H.
Ninety members having answered to their names,
the Clerk announced that a majority of all the mem-