I am conscious that the satisfactory performance of
its many duties will, at times, call for the manifesta-
tion of qualities to which I lay no special claim. But
so far as patience and impartiality, a careful regard
for the just rights of each and every one of you, a
resolute purpose to use with diligence every available
moment of the session, with an eye to the perfection
and passage of wise and valuable legislation, and a
sincere desire to ment your confidence and approval,
tend to make an acceptable presiding officer, you may
be sure that no effort on my part shall be scared to
justify your selection and to prove by my conduct how
heartily I thank you.
I brine: to the place a limited knowledge of parlia-
mentary rules, but shall rely on you to give me your
kind assistance, and to make up for my inexperience
by your generous and indulgent forbearance.
With mutual confidence and support we may hope
for beneficial results to all the great interests of the
State with which we may he called upon to deal.
Again thanking you for the distinction that you
have conferred upon me, I am. now ready to take the
oath of office prescribe I by the Constitution, and re-
quest the gentleman from Carroll county, Mr. James
G. Berret, to administer it.
On motion,
The Speaker's address was ordered to be spread
upon the Journal.
Hon. James G. Berret then administered the oath
of office to the Speaker-elect, who subscribed the same
on the Test Book of the House of Delegates.
The Speaker, in accordance with the custom of the
House, directed that the members-elect be severally
called and qualified by delegations.
The following members-elect were then severally
qualified by the Speaker, in the presence of each other,
by taking the oath of office prescribed by the Consti-
tution, and subscribed the same in the Test Book of
the House of Delegates :
St. Mary's county.—Robert C. Combs, George R.
Kent county.—T. Romie Strong, J. Fletcher Wilson.