ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal sec-
tion 2 of chapter 95 of the Acts of Assembly of 1858,
entitled an Act to incorporate the Maryland Club,
passed February 24th, 1858, and re-enact the same
with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Brashears,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal sec-
tion one hundred and sixteen (116,) of Article 33 of
the Code of Public General Laws title "Elections,
Senators, Representative," sub-title "United States
Senators "
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to provide for
the regulation of railroad freight and passenger tariffs
in this State ; to prevent unjust discrimination and
extortion in the rates charged for transportation of
passengers and freight, and to prohibit railroad com-
panies, corporations and lessees in this State from
charging other than just and reasonable rates, and to
punish the same, and to appoint commissioners and
to prescribe their powers and duties in relation to the
On motion of Mr. McSherry,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary
to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal section 52,
of Article 27, of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Destroy-
ing Property Maliciously," and to re-enact the same
with amendments.
Leave was granted to the Committee on Militia to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to organize and equip
a battery of light artillery in Frederick county, and
to admit the same to the Maryland National Guard.
On motion of Mr. Brennan,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to appro-
priate a sum of money to pay the claim of Thomas.
& Evans, printers and publishers, of Baltimore city,
for printing the State School Report for the year 1890.