dance at to-day's session on account of pressing
On motion of Mr. Buckley, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Young, of Alleghany, be excused
from to-day's session on account of sickness.
On motion of Mr. Garrott, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Fockler be excused on account
of sickness.
On motion of Mr. Wooters, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Collins be excused from atten-
dance to day on account of important business.
On motion of Mr. Joyce, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Frincke be excused from to-
day's session on account of important business.
On motion of Mr. O'Conor, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Gallagher be excused from atten-
dance at to-day's session on account of important
On motion of Mr. Brashears, it was
Ordered, That the State Librarian be and he; is
Tiereby authorized to furnish each member of the
House of Delegates a copy of the Constitution of the
State of Maryland.
On motion of Mr. Sellman,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to add two
additional sections to Article 27 of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-
title "Railroad Obstructing," to follow section 231,
and be known as "Sections 281 A and 231 B."
On motion of Mr. Miles,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary to introduce a bill entitled an Ace to add an ad-
ditional section to Article 27 of the Code of Public
General Laws, entitled "Crimes and Punishments,"
:sub title "Embezzlement of Property and Writings,"
to provide for the punishment of embezzlement.
On motion of Mr. Field,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judi-