On motion of Mr. Walz,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judici-
ary to introduce a bill entitled an Act to abolish the
right of distraint for ground rent.
On motion of Mr. Wooters,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Claims to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to refund to Wm.
Weaver, a fine imposed upon him by E. P. Sparks,
Justice of the Peace for Talbot county, for violation
of the oyster laws.
On motion of Mr. Fockler,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Education
to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-
enact with amendment section 19 and 42, of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Public Education."
On motion of Mr. Carr,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations
to introduce a bill entitled an Act to amend chapter
284, of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at the January Session, 1872, entitled an Act
to incorporate the Baltimore, Hampden and Lake
Roland Railroad Company.
On motion of Mr. Miles,
Leave was granted to the Dorchester and Talbot
County Delegations to introduce a bill entitled an Act
to give residents of Dorchester and Talbot counties,
who may be charged with violating any of the pro-
visions of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land regulating the taking or catching of oysters, fish,
crabs or terrapins in the waters of the Choptank
River, in said counties, or with any other offence
against the general oyster laws of this State, if the
same be committed in the waters of said Choptank
River, the right to be tried before a Justice of the
Peace or the Circuit Court of the county in which
such offender or party charged may reside.
On motion of Mr. Bryan,
Leave was granted to the Queen Anne's County
Delegation to introduce a bill entitled an Act to au-
thorize the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's
county to appoint an additional Constable for the
Fourth Election District of said countv.