House bill entitled an A et to authorize and empower
trustees therein named, to convey a lot of ground
situated in New Market District, of Dorchester
Mr. Fitzgerald, from a Select Committee, reported
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 657, of
Article 4, of the Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," sub-title "Licenses," and to re-enact the
Also, favorably.
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 4, Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," sub title "Licenses," to be known as
"Section 664 A," in reference to the placing of tele-
graph, telephone and electric light poles in the streets,
lanes and alleys of said city.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 305,
306, 307, 308, 309, of Article 4, of the Public Local
Laws of the State of Maryland, titled "City of Balti-
more," sub-title "Fines and Forfeitures," and to re-
enact section 305 with amendments.
Also, favorably.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to issue the stock of
said corporation to an amount not exceeding six mil-
lion of dollars, for building a court-house and securing
the necessary ground therefor; for the opening, widen-
ing, re paving and paving of streets; the construction
of sewers and bridges ; the supplying oi school build-
ings ; the laying of conduits for telegraph and other
wires ; the preparation of topographical maps, and for
other permanent public improvements, and to au
thorize the submission of an ordinance for that pur-
pose to the legal voters of said city.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to provide conduits and
to require all telegraph, telephone, electric light or
other wires to be removed from the streets, lanes and
alleys of said city, and to appoint an Electrical Com-
mission for said city.
Which were severally read a first time.