Mr. Thompson submitted the following order.
Ordered, That all bills, resolutions and orders, per-
taining to the taking, catching and handling of fish,
oysters and wild fowl of a general or local nature, shall
be referred to the Committee on Chesapeake Bay and
Mr. Brashears demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand was sustained.
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as fol-
lows :
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Brashears, Donaldson, Sap-
pington, of Anne Arundel, Carrico, Maddox, Monmo-
nier, Schlaffer, Kirk, Beeks, Grove, of Cecil, Thomp-
son, Fuld, Walz, Fitzgerald, Brennan, Fox, Bowie, of
Balto, city, O'Conor, Gallagher, Sams, Sanders,
Frincke, Cornthwaite.—23.
NEGATIVE.-Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner, Strong,
Wilson, Hutchins, Ireland, Lane, Orrick,Cole, Elliott,
Hamilton, Jr., Collins, Leonard, Green, Anderson,
Sterling, Meredith, Smith, of Dorchester, Miles,
Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Bryan, Wallen, God-
win, Wilkinson, Hayman, McSherry, Gaver, Grove,
of Frederick, Biggs, SappingtOn, of Frederick, Bevard,
Hayward, Stearns, Deen, Johnson, Carter, Carr, Joyce,
Smith, of Washington, Shafer,Garrott, Laird, Griffith,
Canby, Barber, Buckey, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemeyer,
Haines, Sellman, Berret, Tracey, Haslup, Ellegood,
Laws, Moore, Bittinger, Mickaels—60.
So the order was rejected.
On motion of Mr. Joyce,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means |to introduce a bill entitled an Act to pay the
claim of Harris and Dorsch, of Baltimore, Maryland,
for uniforms furnished the Monumental City Guard,
M. N. G.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
Leave was granted to the Judiciary Committee to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to amend Section Two,
Section Nine and Section Nineteen, of chapter four