Clerk of the House is hereby instructed to carry out
this order.
Report adopted.
Mr. Stearns, from the Committee on Claims, re-
ported favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to pay Wm. Flaherty,
fifty-four dollars and fifty-seven cents, money paid by
him to the State Treasurer for license.
Also favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay George M. Pearce, ex-Sergeant-at Arms,
for services rendered.
Also favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay the claim of the Baltimore Publishing
Company, printers and stationers of Baltimore city,
for printing cards of instructions to voters for the use
of the State.
Which were severally read a first time.
Also reported favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to refund to John C.
Tucker, late Collector of Taxes of Harford county,
$11.95 erroneously paid by him.
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Carter, from a Select Committee, reported fa-
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 157,160,
163, 164, 166 and 174, of Article 11, of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick
County," sub-title "Frederick," relating to the Mayor
and Aldermen of Frederick, and to re-enact said sec-
tions with amendments.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Carter moved to suspend the rules in order to
put said bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 157,
160, 163,164, 166 and 167, of Article 11, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County," sub-
title "Frederick," relating to the Mayor and Alder-
men of Frederick, upon its second reading.