Respectively.—Eugene Higgins, Clerk to Chairman of
Ways and Means Committee ; E. H. Webster, of J.,
Clerk to Chairman of Committee on Claims.
Report of Committee in reference to order consid-
ered, and,
On motion of Mr. Laird,
Referred to the Committee on Judiciary,
Mr. McSherry, from Committee on Printing, re-
ported favorably the following order referred to said
Committee January 21st, viz:
Ordered, That three hundred copies of the report of
St. John's College be printed.
With the following proposed amendment:
Strike out all after the word "Ordered," and insert
the following: " That 300 copies of the report of St.
John's College be printed, and the cost not to exceed
Said order, as amended, was passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins,
Sappington, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Carrico., Mad-
dox, Orrick, Cole, Hamilton, Jr., Monmonier,
Schlaffer, Collins, Wooters, Leonard, Green, Ander-
son, Sterling, Miles, Beeks, Grove, of Cecil, Bowie,
of Prince George's, Hill, Perrie, Bryan, Wallen,
Godwin, Franklin, Wilkinson, McSherry, Gaver,
Grove, of Frederick, Sappington, of Frederick, Bevard,
Hayward, Stearns, Deen, Johnson, Breiman, Carter,
Field, Bowie, of Baltimore city, Gill, Sams, San-
ders, Frincke, Carr, Cornthwaite, Smith, of Washing-
ton, Fockler, Garrett, Laird, Griffith, Barber, Young,
Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Haines, Sellman, Berret,
Leeds, Tracey, Ellegood Laws, Moore, Bittinger—64.
Also, unfavorably, the following order referred to
said Committee January 21st, viz:
Ordered, That one box, each containing 300 stickers
or pasters, be furnished each member of the House of
Delegates and officials of this body, and that the