immediately after section 124, and to be designated
as "Sections 124 A, 124 B. 124 C, 124 D, 124 E, and
124 F."
Which was read a first time, and referred to Calvert
County Delegation and Mr. Garner.
Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for selecting,
drawing and summoning the jurors for Anne Arundel
Which was read a first time, and referred to Anne
Arundel County Delegation.
Joint Resolution concerning the taking of oysters
and fish in the waters of the Potomac and Pocomoke
Which was read a first time, and referred to Special
Committee on the part of the House to visit Rich
mond, to confer with the Virginia Legislature.
Mr. Sams moved to suspend the rules in order to
allow said Special Committee to report.
Joint Resolution concerning the taking of oysters
and fish in the waters of the Potomac and Pocomoke
River and Sound.
The rules were suspended (two-thirds of all the
members elect) voting in the affirmative, by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchius,
Sappington, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Car-
rico, Maddox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr.,
Monmonier, Schlaffer, Collins, Wooters, Green,
Anderson, Sterling, Meredith, Smith, of Dorchester,
Miles, Beeks, Grove, of Cecil, Bowie, of Prince
George's, Hill, Perrie, Bryan, Wall en, Godwin,
Franklin, Wilkinson, Hayman, McSherry, Gaver,
Grove, of Frederick, Sappington, of Frederick,Bevard,
Hayward, Stearns, Deen, Johnson, Fitzgerald, Bren-
nan, Fox, Carter, Bowie, of Baltimore city, Gili,
Sams, Carr, Cornthwaite, Smith, of Washington,
Fockler, Garrett, Laird, Griffith, Canby, Barber,
Young, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Haines, Sellman,