for, with intent to defraud the said owner or owners,
or any of them, they shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court
of this State having criminal jurisdiction, shall be
subject to the penalty or penalties as provided in sec-
tion 78 of this Article."
Which was adopted.
Said bill, as amended, was then read a second
time and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
House bill (Printed No. 3,) entitled an Act to amend
Article 23, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Corporations," by adding thereto an additional sec-
tion to follow section 20, class 7, and to be designated
as section 20 A, class 7 A.
Which was read a second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
The Secretary of the Senate appeared and delivered
the following :
Senate bill entitled an Act to prohibit the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer in the
village of Walkersville, Frederick county, Maryland,
or within two miles thereof.
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Temperance.
Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the Chevy
Chase Land Company of Montgomery county, Mary-
land, to sell to or contract with the Rock Creek Rail-
way Company of the District of Columbia, respecting
the railroad of the said the Chevy Chase Land Com-
pany of Montgomery county, Maryland, and to define
the powers of the said The Rock Creek Railway Com-
pany of the District of Columbia in case of such sale
or contract.
Which was read a first time and referred to the
Committee on Corporations.
Senate bill entitled an Act to add additional sec-
tions to Article 5, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Calvert County," sub-title "Roads," to follow