district from which it has been collected and for no
other purpose.
"Section 111. And be it enacted, That of the taxes
levied and set apart as a special road fund, not less
than three-fourths thereof shall be expended in the
purchase of broken stone or other hard material to be
used on the roads in such manner as the commis-
sioners with the assistance of the supervisor may de-
termine, unless on application of the tax payers, resi-
dents in the neighborhood, the commissioners may de-
termine upon any section of road to devote a larger
proportion than one fourth of said fund to grading or
other pressing needs, and the County Commissioners
may, if it shall appear to be in the interest of economy,
purchase one or more stone crushers out of the fund
set apart as the general road fund, for the purpose of
crushing stone for use on the roads to be operated
in such manner as they shall determine,
"Section 112. And be it enacted, That whenever any
person or persons shall desire to improve any road
to an extent beyond that contemplated by the
County Commissioners and the supervisor of the
district where it is located, he or they may make
application to the commissioners by petition setting
forth the location of the road to be improved, the
extent and character of the improvement and the
probable cost thereof, and if the County Commission-
ers, after considering the same and the probable cost
thereof, shall be satisfied that the public interest will
be promoted thereby, they may direct the expenditure
of an amount not exceeding three hundred dollars per
mile; provided the petitioner or petitioners for such
improvement shall first pay to the County Commis-
sioners an amount equal to that appropriated by the
County Commissioners, and all such money shall be
expended under the direction of the supervisor of the
district where the improvements are to be made.
"Section 113. And be it enacted, That whenever
any owner of property in Howard county shall have
opened, laid out or graded any avenue or road thirty
feet wide for the public use and convenience, and is
willing to dedicate the same uses by a good and suffi-
cient deed duly recorded, the commissioners are here-
by authorized to accept the same, if in their opinion