district hereafter to be opened, and all surveys and
other proceedings in reference thereto, or in reference
to any bridge in said district.
"Section 109. And be it enacted, That the road
supervisors herein provided for shall take charge of
all the roads and bridges in their respective districts,
and shall see that no obstruction is permitted in or
upon any road or bridge in their respective districts,
and when any road or bridge shall form the boundary
between any of the districts the County Commissioners
shall assign to each district its portion of said road or
bridge; any person placing any obstruction of any
kind whatsoever in or upon the public roads or in the
side ditches thereof, shall be liable to a fine of five
dollars and costs for each and every offence, which
fine may be imposed by any Justice of the Peace of
the district in which said offence shall be committed,
upon the complaint of the road supervisor having
charge of said road; provided said person shall have
been notified by the said supervisor to remove said
obstructions and shall have failed so to do for the
space of two days after said notification; and, pro-
vided further, that the person so placing said obstruc-
tion on or upon the public road or in the side ditches
thereof, shall be liable for a fine of five dollars for each
day that he permits said obstruction to remain ; the
said fine to be in addition to the original fine of five
dollars, which said additional fine shall be imposed
by said Justice and enforced in like manner as said
original fine, and the said Justice of the Peace shall pay
over to the County Commissioners of Howard county
said fine when received by him, to be placed to the credit
of the district in which it has been imposed, and said
fine shall be collected as other fines are collected by
Justices of the Peace.
"Section 110. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioners shall annually levy upon the assessable
property of Howard county, at the time of making the
county levy, not less than twenty cents or more than
thirty cents on the one hundred dollars for the use of
the county roads, which shall be collected as other
county taxes are collected, and the tax so levied and
collected for roads shall be set apart as a special road
fund, which shall be for the use and benefit of that