the same be necessary and convenient for public use,
and upon such acceptance the said avenue or road so
dedicated shall be kept in good order and repair by
the road supervisor of the district in which it may be
situated ; provided, however, that before said road
shall be accepted as aforesaid, the said County Com-
missioners shall satisfy themselves that said avenue
or road is full 30 feet in width and has been properly
"Section 115. And be it enacted, That whenever any
doubt exists as to the proper location and width of
any road the supervisor of the district, under the
direction of the County Commissioners, may cause
the same to be surveyed and make such alterations
as the public convenience may require, subject to the
rights of any person to the provisions contained in the
laws for the opening of new roads.
"Section 119 A, And be it enacted, That on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November,
1892, the same being the 7th day of said month, the
Commissioners of Howard county shall submit to the
legal voters of Howard county the question whether
they will vote for or against the making of a levy on
the assessable property of said county an additional
tax of not less than 20 cents, nor more than 30 cents
on the hundred dollars, for the use of the county roads,
and they shall cause to be printed or written on the
ballots to be used at said election, the words "For
Road Law," and "Against Road Law," and if at said
election any one or more of said Election Districts
shall vote in favor of said road law, less than the
whole number of said Election Districts, then said law
shall apply only to that or to those Election Districts
in which a majority of the votes shall have been cast
in favor of said law, and the County Commissioners
are hereby authorized to pay all costs of said election
if any there be."
"Section 118. And be itenacted, That all Acts and
parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be and the
same are hereby repealed."
"Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage."
Which was read and concurred in.