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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 1322   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Carter, from the Committee on the Judiciary,
reported favorably,
Senate Joint Resolution authorizing the exhibition
of relics of the Revolutionary War in the possession
of the State, at ths Bazaar of the Society of Sons of
the American Revolution.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappiugton,
of Anne Arundel, Ireland. Lane, Carrico, Maddox,
Orrick, Elliott, Monmonier, Collins, Wooters, Leon-
ard, Green, Anderson, Sterling, Smith, of Dorchester,
Kirk, Grove, of Cecil, Hill, Perrie, McSherry, Grove,
of Frederick, Sappiugton, of Frederick, Bevard,
Johnson, Thompson, Carter, Field, Bowie, of Baltimore
city, Gallagher, Sams, Frincke, Carr, Cornthwaite,
Joyce, Shafer, Laird, Griffith, Young. Stottlemyer,
Haines, Sellman, Berret—49.
Said resoluion was then returned to the Senate.
Also, favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to declare the sanction
and consent of the General Assembly of Maryland to
sundry gifts, bequests and devises contained in the
last wills and testaments of certain persons late of the
State of Maryland, deceased, and also to certain gifts,
grants, sales, leases and deeds made by various per-
sons in this State, to and for the use and benefit of
sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations,
denominations and sects, and to certain charitable in-
stitutions hereafter named.
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Bowie, from the Committee on Roads and
Highways, reported favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to build and establish a
bridge at or near Williston, in Caroline county, and
to provide for travel on the same.
Which was read a first time.
Also, favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 86, 87,
88, 89 and 90, of Article 25, of the Code of Public

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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 1322   View pdf image (33K)
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