Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to erect a monument to mark the grave of
General William Smallwood, in Charles county,
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments sections 6,18 and 25, of Article 77, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Public Edu-
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Education.
Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the Comp-
troller and Treasurer to adjust and settle the claims
of the State against the holders of bonds belonging to
the State, which were hypothecated by Stevenson
Archer, late State Treasurer, for the value of said
bonds, or their proceeds, over the amounts for which
the same were hypothecated.
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments section 59 and 60, of Article 77. of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Public Educa-
tion," sub-title "Text Books." so as to provide for
the use of text books free of cost to all the pupils of
the public schools.
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
Senate bill entitled an Act to amend the sub-section
belonging to section 208, of Article 10, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," by
adding a sub-section thereto.
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Dorchester County Delegation.