tion in regard to the property purchased by the
Province of Maryland in 1775, and known as Fort
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Senate bill entitled an Act to fix, limit and define
the office of the County Commissioners of Queen
Anne's county, elected on Tuesday next after the first
Monday in November, 1891, in pursuance of section
1, of Article 7, of the Constitution of this State, and
of such commissioners as shall be elected or appointed
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Queen Anne's County Delegation.
Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for the de-
struction of the weed or plant known as the Canada
Thistle, on the lands in Queen Anne's county, Mary-
land, and to prevent the increase thereof.
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Queen's Anne's County Delegation.
Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to piy the claims of C. C. Savage, A. S. Abellr
& Co., Chas. C. Fulton & Co., Isaac Friedenwald,
The Herald Publishing Company, the Daily News As-
sociation, F. Raine, Herbert F. Mure and Otto Sutro-
for work and labor done, material furnished and
services rendered to the Leonard Calvert Monument
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
. Senate bill entitled an Act to add a new section em-
powering the Board of Liquor License Commissioners
of Baltimore city to summon witnesses, compel their
attendance, and administer oaths, to Article 4 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore,"
sub-title "Liquor end Intoxicating Drinks," to come
in after section 653 T.of said Article, and to be desig-
nated as "Section 653 U."
Which was read a first time, and referred to the-
Baltimore City Delegation.