Committee on Education.
Committee on Ways and Means.
Committee on Militia.
Committee on Railroads and Canals.
Committee on Corporations.
Committee on Expiring Laws.
Committee on Engrossed Bills.
Committee on Public Buildings.
Committee on Claims,
Committee on Agriculture.
Committee on Currency.
Committee on the Contingent Fund at the disposal
of the Executive,
Committee on Roads and Highways.
Committee on Public Records.
Committee on Immigration.
Committee on the part of the House, under Section
24, Article 3, of the Constitution.
Committee on Library,
Committee on Federal Relations.
Committee on Insolvency.
Committee on Pensions.
Committee on Printing.
Committee on Labor.
Committee on Inspections.
Committee on Public Hygiene.
Committee on Temperance.
Committee on the Amendments to the Constitution
of the State.
On motion of Mr. Hamilton, it was
Ordered, That the Postmaster of the House of Dele-
gates (hereafter to be appointed,) be and is hereby
directed to furnish to each Delegate the usual amount
of postage stamps, to-wit, twenty-five dollars ($25),
and direct the same amount be allowed the Chief,
Journal and Reading Clerks, and the Sergeant at
Arms, and that the Chief Clerk have this order handed
to the Postmaster immediately after his qualification.