January 6th, 1892.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :
We have received your message proposing to open
the returns of the elections for Governor in the Hall
of the House of Delegates to-day, at 2.10 P. M., in
the presence of both Houses, in conformity with the
Constitution of the State, and concur theiein.
By order, W. G. PUENELL,
Which was read. Secretary.
On motion of Mr. Fitzgerald, it was
Ordered, That a committee of twenty-three mem-
bers be appointed by the Speaker, who shall report to
this House the subordinate officers necessary for the
furtherance of the business of the House, the number
of whom shall not exceed the number of officers of
the last House of Delegates, and the Speaker shall
appoint his own Messenger and Messenger to Printer,
who shall also carry the mail; and further ordered,,
that two Doorkeepers, Sergeant-at-Arms, and one
Page of the last House of Delegates shall continue to
act as such until their successors shall qualify.
On motion of Mr. Fox, it was
Ordered, That the thanks of this House are hereby
tendered the Hon. Robert C. Combs, for the able and
dignified discharge of the duties of Speaker pro tem
of this House.
On motion of Mr. Joyce, it was
Ordered, That the rules by which the last House of
Delegates of the last General Assembly was governed,
be hereby adopted as the rules of this House for the
present session, subject to only such changes and
alterations as may be hereafter made, and that the
following be the Standing Committees of the House,
and each shall consist of nine members, except Chesa-
peake and Tributaries, which shall consist of nineteen,
according to rules, and the Committee on Rules shall
consist of five:
Committee on Judiciary.
Committee on Manufactures.
Committee on Elections.