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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 1169   View pdf image (33K)
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Section 2, line 8, strike out all after the word
"writing," and all of "line 9."
Which was adopted.
Said bill, as amended, was then read a second time.
Mr. Bryan, from Select Committee, reported favor-
Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize and empower
the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county to
employ any and all male convicts, committed to the
county jail of said county by the judgment of the Cir-
cuit Court of said county or any Justice of the Peace
thereof, in working the public roads of said county or
the streets of Centreville.
Which was read a seeond time.
Mr. Collins, from Select Committee, reported favor
orably, with proposed amendments,
Senate bill entitled an Act to change the boundary
line between Trappe Election District No. 3, and
Easton Election District No. 1, in Talbot county.
In section 1, line 6, (written bill), after the word
"the," strike out the word "south" and insert the
word "north."
Also, in same section, line 7, (written bill), after the
word "thereof," strike out balance of section 1 and
insert the following words: "Thence with said north
branch of Tripp's Creek to a point at or near the resi-
dence of Mrs. James P. Hambleton, known as
"Waterloo;" from thence nearly east with the road
leading from said Mrs. Hambleton's residence to a
point on the public road leading from Hambleton to
Dover Bridge at or near Iveytown Colored Church ;
thence with said road until it intersects the present
dividing line between Easton and Trappe Districts ;
thence following the line as now laid down to Chop-
tank River."
Which were adopted.
Said bill, as amended, was then read a second time.
Mr. Bowie, from Select Committee, reported fav-
House bill entitled an Act ceding to the United
States of America the jurisdiction over certain prop-

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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 1169   View pdf image (33K)
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