House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Condemnations,"
to be known as section 148 A, authorizing the Mayor
and Council to condemn property for public purposes
and to provide methods of condemnation.
House bill entitled an Act to ratify, confirm and
make valid the acts und proceedings of the directors
of the Union Bridge Water Company, in Carroll
county, Maryland, in borrowing money to fully com-
plete the water works of said company.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of St. Mary's county to levy a sufficient
sum of money for the erection of two school houses in
said county.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
section 26, of Article 9, of the Code of Public General
Laws, entitled "Attachments."
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 236, of
Article 7, of the Code of Public Local Laws of the
State of Maryland, relating to the city of Westminster,
in Carroll county, as amended by section 236, chapter
292, of the Acts of 1890, and to re-enact the same in
an amended form.
House bill entitled an Act to refund to Wm. G.
Davis, administrator of Peter L. Davis, late of Wor-
cester county, deceased, the sum of fifty-three dollars
and twenty-eight cents, taxes paid in error into the
State Treasury.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
Session, 1890, entitled an Act to amend Article 52, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Justices of
'the Peace," (except as to the city of Baltimore), by
adding a new section thereto to follow section 11, and
to be designated as "Section 11 A," and to be under