of the said railroad company, incorporated under and
by virtue of the General Laws of this State, relating
to the formation of Railroad Companies as set out in
the Maryland Code of Public General Laws of 1888,
Article 23, and all supplements thereto, the articles of
incorporation of which company have been duly
recorded in the office of the Secretary of the State of
Maryland, under the provisions of said Code of Gen-
eral Laws.
House bill entitled an Act to prevent the sale of
fermented or spirituous liquors or lager beer within a
radius of one mile and a half from the station of the
Northern Central Railway at Monkton, in Baltimore
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and require
the County Commissioners of Baltimore county to levy
a sum of money to be applied to the building of a
school house on the Philadelphia Road, in or near the
village of Orangeville, in Baltimore county.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Washington county to subscribe for
an amount of stock in turnpike companies in said
House bill entitled an Act to authorize, empower
and require the County Commissioners of Baltimore
county to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
Registers of Voters of Baltimore county for tran-
scribing the names of voters.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Talbot county to build a road from
the town of Oxford to Vancouver's Island, in said
House bill entitled an Act to prevent and punish
fraud in sales or goods, wares and merchandise at
public or private sales by itinerant vendors, and to
regulate such sales.
House bill entitled an Act to amend Article 23, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Corporations,"
sub title "Religious Corporations," by adding five
additional sections thereto, to follow section 217
thereof, and to be known as sections 217 A, 217 B,
217 C and 217 D,. so as to provide for the incorpora-