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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 979   View pdf image (33K)
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tle-flags of said war, both American and British together
with such other articles, letters, commissions, documents,
&c., in the possession of the State, as they may deem best and
of interest to the citizens of this and other States of these
United States, the expense of said exhibit to be borne by
the said society.

NO. 17.

Joint resolution authorizing the State Librarian to lend

to the Law Faculty of the Baltimore University certain

law books.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the

State Librarian be and he is hereby authorized, if in his

judgment the condition of the library will justify, and the

Loan of
law books

consent in writing of the permanent library committee be

to Balti-

given, to lend to the Law Faculty of the Baltimore University
one copy of each volume of Brantley's editiou of the law


reports of this Staje, and one copy of each volume of the

Maryland Reports from the first to the seventy-third

volumes inclusive, and one copy of the volumes of Maryland

Reports as the same shall hereafter from time to time be

published, and one copy of each volume of the Code of Publc

General Laws and of the Code of Public Local Laws of this

State, and one copy of each of the existing digests of the

decisions of the Court of Appeals of this State and of such

digests as may hereafter be published and subscribed for by

this State. Provided, that security satisfactory to the

librarian shall be given for the safe custody of said books,


and returned to him upon his demand in writing ; and pro-

vided, further, that said books shall be deposited and kept

in the law library of said Baltimore University, and for the

exclusive use and benefit of the instructors and students of

said University.


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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 979   View pdf image (33K)
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