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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 978   View pdf image (33K)
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AND WHEREAS, said items have been considered as utterly


. worthless and of no value by the officers of the Treasury

Department for many years past and whereas the treasury

officers have recommended to the General Assembly that

the same be stricken from the books of the department

and that the further publication of said items in the

annual report of the Comptroller of the Treasury be dis-

continued ; therefore,

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That

the Comptroller of the Treasury be and lie is hereby


authorized aud empowered to strike from the books of the

directed to
strike out

"department each and every —— named in the preamble of


this resolution, aud that the further publication of said


items in the comptroller's annual report shall cease.

NO. 16.

Senate joint resolution authorizing the exhibition of

Relics of the Revolutionary War in possession of the State

at the Bazaar of the Society of the Sons of the American


WHEREAS, the Maryland Branch of " The Society of the Sons


of the American Revolution," a regularly incorporated

society under the laws of the State of Maryland is engaged

iu an effort to raise a large amount of money to erect in

Baltimore City a suitable monument to the memory of

Maryland patriots and heroes of the Revolutioiiary

War ; and


WHEREAS, they intend as oue of the means of raising the

said money, to liold iu Baltimore City, during the winters

of 1892 and 1893, a bazaar and an exhibition of relics of

the said Revolutionary War ; and

WHEREAS, such an exhibition is not only calculated to

inculcate patriotism among the citizens of the State but to

be of great interest to them ; and


WHEREAS, it is desirable that the State of Maryland should

aid in such a laudable undertaking, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Governor, the Comptroller and the

to exhibit
relics of

Commissioner of the Land Office of the State, together with
William Ridgly Griffith and Dr. James Iglehart, of Balti-


more City, on the part of said society, be and are hereby


fully authorized to exhibit at the said " Bazaar and Exhibi-

tion of Relics of the Revolutionary War," such of the bat-

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 978   View pdf image (33K)
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