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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 977   View pdf image (33K)
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Parks Guano Company, 1890...........................................


Ritchie Company, 1871 to 1877 ......................................

94 37

Rothschild Building Association, No. 10, 1879 and 1880 .....

78 18

" " " No. 11, 1879 and 1880......

53 36

" " " No. 12, 1879 and 1880......

9 80

Ridgely Building Association, 1879.................................

6 90

Relief Building Association, 1879 to 1882 ........................

725 40

Rapid Messenger Dist Telegraph Company, 1882 and 1883..
Rialto Guano Company, 1885 and 1886 ...........................

47 82
224 87

Santa Clara Mining Association, 1877 to 1882 ..................

642 37

South Sharp Street Concordia Bldg. Association, No. 3, 1877.

34 15

South Baltimore Mutual Loan and Savings Association, 1873

to 1877.................................................................

97 93

South Fremont Street Loan and Savings Company, 1879......

125 25

St James Hall Building Association, No. 5, 1879 to 1882...

86 88

" " " " No 6, 1879 to 1882...

63 44

" " " " No. 7, 1879 to 1882 .

63 68

" " " " No. 8, 1879 to 1882

39 88

Sycamore Permanent Building and Savings Association, '

No. 1,1879 to 1882..................................................

108 78

Sixth German-American Building Association, 1879 .........

58 28

South Sharp Street Workingmen's Building Association,

No. 1, 1879 to 1881 ..... .......................................

9 69

South Sharp Street Workingmen's Building Association,

No. 2, 1879 to 1881..................................................

41 55

South Paca Street Building Association " S," 1879.............

29 13

South Liberty Permanent Building Association, 1879 .......

1 35

St. James' Hall Building Association No 4, 1879 to 1883.....

77 04

St. Martin's Permanent Building Association 1879 to 1880 .

25 02

Savings Building Association No. 7, 1879 to 1880...............

36 54

South Wolf Street Building Association, 1879 to 1882........

29 04

" " " No. 4, 1879 to 1882..

16 00

" " " No. 5, 1879 to 1882..

50 60

St. James Saving Institution, 1880 and 1885 ..................

10 12

Scott Street Permanent Building Association, 1880 to 1882..

3 81

South Baltimore Mutual Permanent Loan and Savings Asso-

ciation, 1878 to 1881................. ........... ..........

71 09

Susquehanna Steamboat Company, 1887............ ............

11 25

Sea World Publishing Company, 1883tol88S................ .

24 17

Standard Heat and Light Company, 1885 to 1888..............

37 02

Specialty Manufacturing Company, 1885 to 1888............

26 05

St. James' Saving Fund, 1885................. ....................

24 82

Teutonia Savings Association, 1879............ ..................

20 06

Teutonia Building and Savings Association No 6, 1879 .....

29 60

Third German American Building Association, 1879..........

208 03

Union Glass Company, 1875 to 1880.................................

63 16

Union File Works, 1881 to 1883 ....... ..... ....................

45 56

Union Oyster Company, 1884 to 1887.. .... .. ..............

17 76

United Adamant Plaster Company, 1889....................... .

3 19

Wasche Building Association, 1875 to 1879 ..... ............

197 00

Winan's Permanent Land and Loan Company, 1878 to 1R83

117 75

Workingmen's Permanent Building Association of West

End, 1879..............................................................

10 64

West Street Building Association No 5, 1879......................

2 91

Williams Street Permanent Building a d Savings Society

No. 1, 1879 ...........................................................

7 14

William Tell Building Association "C," 1879 and 1880......

3 97

Weem's Artificial Stone and Marble Company, 1883 and 1885

19 20

Walker Horse Shoe Company, 1884 to 1886............. .......

172 44

Woodstock Granite Company, 1887 to 1888.......................

24 72


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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 977   View pdf image (33K)
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